Predicting the future: The power of information

Posted By Tim Halpern
January 12, 2016

In this weird, wired world, we have so many ways to connect, and yet society is more disconnected than ever before.

For marketing and sales forces, the good news is that there’s no privacy left. But, for consumers, the bad news is: there’s no privacy left.

Consider this:

  • In 1969, two computers at remote locations spoke to each other for the first time over the foundation of what would become the Internet.
  • In 1993, when the World Wide Web went public, there were 5 billion gigabytes of data stored online. In 2017 some estimate that 5 billion gigabytes of data are added every day.
  • Today, we can watch global developments in real time from our mobile phones and use those devices as virtual credit cards.

What will 2026 bring, if it even takes that long?

And what does this all mean in terms of how we find accurate information?

Never before in history has information been so accessible. It is estimated that there are more than 1 trillion public records, most of which are readily available with a simple click.

It is tempting to think Google is an easy solution. But try verifying information from the web, from multiple web, sources on your own. Then you’ll wonder: “What is all this misinformation? Where did my day go? What else didn’t get done?”

Alternatively, CPR cuts through this data overload by using the most reliable databases, newest technologies and old fashioned values: discretion, hard work, and superior customer service.

Any professional not considering how, and when, increased automation will further change our roles, will lose their job faster than you can say click.

If Google plans to offer driverless car within a few years, how soon until the job of “analyst” or “researcher” is obsolete?

Already, IBM has a supercomputer Watson that beats game show Jeopardy champions, and helps doctors around the world make complex, medical decisions.

Leading academic libraries from Kentucky to Australia have largely automated their collections.

The University of Louisville Library used to have twenty reference librarians for a total document collection of more than 20 million items. But now, through robotic document retrieval they have fewer than five librarians, and most items can be retrieved much faster than any human used to be able to deliver them.

But don’t take my word for it, check out:

This development parallels the mechanization of the automobile assembly line.

Still, there will always be a need for high touch, human intervention to ensure that educated consumers can trust data from the public record.

As society continues to become increasingly depersonalized, CPR’s quality work will continue to emphasize speed, accuracy and humanity.

Our ability to deliver timely, accurate, and affordable data that improves your bottom line is unmatched.